Monday, March 15, 2010

Day two

Today was our day to be beach bums. We woke this morning around 7am completely rested and ready for our first full day in the country. We had breakfast at the hotel, coffee, fresh juice, delicious vegetable omlettes, fresh fruit, arroz con frijoles, and a sliver of bacon.
Once our bellies were full, we changed into bathing suites and walked to the beach. Weather: 95 and sunny. While at the beach, we rotated between swimming and sunning. For lunch we ate our favorite dish, arroz con camarones (rice and shrimp) at the Iguana bar. With our lunch we tried our first Macua, the national drink of Nicaragua (rum, lemon, and guava juice).
While sitting on the outdoor patio eating our lunch, we realized how surreal this place seems. We joked that it feels like we are in a "sandals" commercial and that we didnt know a vacation could be so spontaneous and care free. Prior to this trip, we have both been travelers of purpose. Traveling to see something and then moving on to see something else. It is an amazing feeling to wake up and say "Today we can do everything, or absolutely nothing".
After eating lunch we returned to the water for a swim. We were completely content, having no clue of the time, however our skin was beginning to scream with the effects of the hot sun.
Back at the hotel, we showered and took a took a quick nap before getting ready for the evening.
For dinner we went to "Pierdras y Olas" aka Pelican Eyes which is famous for hosting the best view of the sunset. The resort can continue to boast, as promised the views were unbelievable.
In addition to a beautiful sunset, it was Happy Hour! We started off with Macuas and soon after our first drink was gone, the group from Lasell arrived and joined us. It was around this time that Molly began to feel ill. The culprits: Too much sun and not enough water. Eventually, Molly went back to the hotel and left Drew to finish his and her second Macua.
Tomorrow will be a day for shade and sunburn care!
Hasta luego amigos
M & D

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